Join the Journey! We are so excited Schwartz Living Market is now open five days a week!
Market Hours: Tuesdays through Saturdays 11 AM to 5 PM!
Black Yoga with Kimee Massie Tuesday evenings 6:30 to 7:30 PM;
Yoga with Lauren Pearlman from Noon to 1:00 PM on Thursdays beginning January 16, 2013
VisioningVision Gym with Elisa Beck Thursdays in December, 2013 & January, 2014 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM;
Current vendors include:
Jonathan's Food, gluten-free~vegan five days a week! Tuesdays through Saturdays 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM
The Enchanted Garden Juice Bar five days a week! Tuesdays through Saturdays 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM
In addition to the vendors above,Saturday vendors from 11 AM to 5 PM include:
Third Day Luxury Soaps, lotions and body scrubs;
Yellow Corn Native American Recovery;
C&G Animal Delights, all natural pet treats, toys and gifts for dogs and cats, December 21, 2013, only!
Check the Schwartz Living Market Facebook page for Saturday evening details and updates and go to for updates too!
My Thought for the Day: Perhaps 1317 East Carson Street is the Urban Oasis for Healthful Living (our current market tag line) and Schwartz Living Market is the 'Regenerative Engine That Could', the 'Engine for Green Growth for the project and processing at large'. Watch this amazing talk for an hour and forty five minutes with Polly Higgins and Charles Eisenstein, and you will understand more about the process and the goals of this Transition Town, Natural Step, Social & Earth Equity, Living Building Challenge process at 1317 East Carson Street. You'll hear the words and hear examples of Permaculture and Transition Town in action. After all, the Earth is calling us!! Thoughts anyone?!
The market process is the foundation for all that is yet to develop. Be part of the process Thursday afternoons at the market with yours truly in the Visioning/vision Gym! Dress to move!
Vendor inquiries through the Schwartz Living Market Facebook page, or 412-491-0303. Share this blog address : too!
The market process is the foundation for all that is yet to develop. Be part of the process Thursday afternoons at the market with yours truly in the Visioning/vision Gym! Dress to move!
Vendor inquiries through the Schwartz Living Market Facebook page, or 412-491-0303. Share this blog address : too! Elisa Beck :)
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